Friday, May 23, 2008

Grown up Life!

So I remember being so excited to move out of my parents house and into my first home. I kept thinking "Man this is great, my own place!" Then the bills that I somehow did not realize would be coming started to come. Still, no big deal I could handle it. Then the decisions what do I make for dinner, how fast of an internet connection do I want, what kind of cable should I get, should I get cable, and on and on. Still, I was excited to be on my own and deal with things like an adult. Lately the decisions seem to just get bigger. I have so many decisions and now so many financial things coming up at once. I have to pay for my surgery, for grad school, continue to pay the mortgage, the car payment, and the bills. Things just seem to get more and more complicated. Sometimes I just wish I had stayed at home, although I am sure that my parents would have kicked me out by now, but that security of living at home and knowing that you did not have to make any of the big decisions or deal with any of the problems was so nice. I've decided that some days it just SUCKS to be a grown up and have to deal with everything that happens.

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