Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sassy is 3 going on 16

My niece Abby turned three today, well technically yesterday but this is the first chance I have had to sit down and type this up. Abby is such a doll and I love hanging out with her. Abby is such a funny little girl. I call her sassy because she knows what she wants and thinks and isn't afraid to tell you about it. We have a great time when I babysit and I love spending time with her. Abby is huge into baby dolls and has been for a long time, it is so fun to watch her totally mother one of her babies. Abby is a great big sister and helps out with her little sister whenever she can. Happy Birthday Sassypants, I love you!

1 comment:

meg said...

Wow! How did you find time for that post?! Let alone connection to the internet with your computer in boxes? Thank you for that sweet post.I read it to Abby and she loved it! Thank you for being such a wonderful part of the kids lives - they sure love you Jess, heck we all love you!