Tuesday, February 26, 2008
So Becca started me reading this Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. I know Raygon has read them, but I really wasn't all that interested cause it is about vampires and stuff so I was a little skeptical. Becca assured they were good and talked me into buying the first book in the series. I read it in like a day. It is like 400+ pages, but I could not put it down. I absolutely loved it! I am going to get the other two books tomorrow. So if you have not read these books, I suggest you give them a try! I will even let you borrow my books.
My week as a Mom......well sort of.
I meant to do this sooner, but I have been a little busy so here goes. I spent a week in Utah babysitting for my brother and sister-in-law. I watched my Nieces Morgan, age 8, and Kali, age 3, and also my nephew Cade, age 6. By the way this is really long so don't start this unless you have some time on your hands. It probably really isn't that interesting either so I won't be offended if you don't read the whole thing. Here's how it went.
I actually got there on Thursday night because I was going to take my Grad School test on Friday morning, but then I wussed out so I just kinda hung out and enjoyed myself on Friday and most of Saturday. I went shopping with Becca, my sister-in-law, on Friday so that she could get all of the things she still needed for her trip to Mexico. Then I played with the kids Friday night until they went to bed and then I watched a movie with Jared and Becca and also my brother Steve and his wife Kelly. It was pretty fun and I was kinda enjoying my relaxation. On Saturday I slept in, the absolute last time I slept in for a week, until 9 when Cade came down to ask if he could play Wii. My brother Paul and his wife Mandy and my parents came down on Saturday so that Paul and Mandy could spend some time with her grandparents who were in town and my parents came down to take Steve out to dinner for his birthday. So we all went out to dinner, my whole family that was there including the kids, Mandy's grandparents, and our friend Brock who lives down in Logan. After dinner Jared and Becca left for Salt Lake so that they could catch their early flight to Mexico on Sunday morning. The rest of us hung out at Jared's house playing cards until we all decided to go to bed. The next morning Kali woke me up at like 7 which is pretty crappy since they don't have church until 11. Everyone else gradually woke up and I was able to get myself and all three kids ready for church on time. Although my dad did have to avert a shoe crisis and was able to help Morgan find her white shoes to match her white dress! We even got to church early! We only stayed for sacrament meeting and then went home. I know we should have stayed the whole time, but I don't know anyone there and trying to find Relief Society and then sitting in there with a whole bunch of ladies telling me how brave I was to come down and babysit for a week did not sound like fun to me. So anyway after church Mom and Dad headed home, Paul and Mandy had left earlier so they could make it back to Rexburg for their 1:30 church, I was finally all alone with the kids and frankly I was a little scared. We hung out just playing around and watching a little tv until bedtime which was 8 even though they didn't have school. After they were in bed I watched one of my movies, and just kinda messed around until about 12:30, which is normally when I go to bed, and then I crashed. Well fun for me Kali woke up at 6:30 the next morning. I was dying! I was definitely not prepared for early mornings with small kids. Fortunately Kali was happy with me turning on her favorite show, Horseland, in my room and giving her a bag of cereal and a cup of milk so that I could go back to sleep for a little bit. But then Morgan woke up at 7 and Cade was up shortly thereafter so I was up and making breakfast. Being President's day the kids did not have school so we hung out and played Wii most of the day. Nothing real cool or exciting. The kids again went to bed at 8 and I was soooooo tired from getting up early that I went to bed at 10 knowing that I had to get up at 7 so that I could get all three kids up and ready for school, Kali goes to preschool. So the next morning I start waking kids up, I had to go in and get Cade up like 4 times cause he just would not get up and get dressed. Morgan got up after about he second time I went downstairs. Kali of course was up when I went in to get her up so she was totally the easiest. So after getting them all dressed, making them all breakfast, and making sure that homework was all done and in backpacks I was ready to try doing hair. I started with Cade figuring he would be the easiest, cause he is a boy, but no after about the 10th time I heard "that's not how mom does it," I finally told him that this is how Jess does it so get used to it. He was kinda okay with that but he did pout a little. Morgan was pretty good she wanted her hair left down so I straightened the parts that needed a little help and that was done, but then there was Kali. Kali has the craziest curly hair that HAS to be done or else it is just all over the place, so here I am with these little tiny hair bands trying to part her hair and put the front into two little cute pony tails on top of her head. Now I have done this a couple of times, but I am not good at it. All I have to say is it's a good thing that Becca wasn't there to see how bad it looked. Sorry Becca. Anyway I got them all ready, Morgan and Cade got to the bus stop on time and I managed to get Kali to preschool on time as well. The morning was going great. I decided to go wander around the stores and see if I could find anything that I liked. By the time I had to leave to go get Kali I still had not found anything that I liked. Oh well, I really don't need anything new anyway. So I picked up Kali and we went to Wendy's for lunch, I didn't feel like cooking and after getting mandarin oranges instead of fries I felt like it was a pretty healthy lunch. :) Morgan and Cade got home at about 4 and after making sure that all homework was done I let them play Wii until 6 which is when we had to leave to go to Cade's program at the school. It was a nice little program and Cade was hilarious to watch. He was in the very back row and he would kind of bob his head to the music, but did not sing much. He did however make a bunch of funny faces including the time he spent about 3 minutes making himself cross-eyed. I was laughing pretty hard. After the program finally got over it was 7:30. I promised Cade that if he behaved I would let him decide what was for dinner and since the kids were supposed to be to bed about 8 we went to McDonald's and grabbed Happy Meals, with apples instead of fries as I was trying to make it somewhat healthy. I figured it would be faster than anything I could make. At this point all of you reading this realize that I pretty much suck as a mom, I mean who lets their kids eat out this much. Anyway I got home and listened to the messages on the answering machine and Jared had called and said that they would try to call around 8 to talk to the kids. So I got the kids to eat fast, and then get their pajama's on and get all ready for bed and then we waited and waited and about 8:30 Jared and Becca finally got through to talk to the kids. So it was close to nine when they finally fell asleep. My throat had begun to hurt that morning and by the time the kids went to bed it was really starting to hurt so I took some medicine and went to bed a little before 10. My throat hurt so bad it kept waking me up every couple of hours so I did not sleep well. And then at about 2:30 in the morning Kali wakes up to go potty and tried to convince me that it was time to get up. I finally got her to go back to sleep about 30 minutes later which I was very grateful for. When I got up at 7 to get the kids up my throat was really bad, I had a horrible headache, and I felt like I was gonna throw up. That last thing could have been because I ate McDonald's the night before though. The kids were really hard to get up and get going on Wednesday after their late night but I finally got Morgan and Cade dressed, fed and hair done. Kali on the other hand was very grumpy and threw a fit every time I tried to get her to do anything. I finally told Kali that she didn't have to go to preschool but that I was going to the doctor, I thought I might have strep throat, and that she would have to go with me. She quickly became compliant and got ready for Preschool. After I dropped off all of the kids I went to InstaCare to see a doctor. I had to wait for like 45 minutes and then my strep test was negative so they tested me for influenza, again it was negative. The doctor said I had what they call "paraflu" which is like the flu but not as bad. So I went and picked up my prescription along with some other needed things like throat lozenges and headache meds and then went and picked Kali up. I fed Kali some Mac and Cheese and then let her watch movies while I went in to bed and crashed cause at this point I was feeling really bad. Morgan and Cade came home at about 1 as they got out of school early. I called them into my room and told them that I was sick and would have to rest a lot and that they would need to be really good. Cade asked if he could read to me so that he could play X-box, which is a rule. So I told him yes, but I kept falling asleep and honestly have no idea if he read the whole story or if it was even right. I then told him and Morgan that they could play and then I slept on and off the rest of the evening. I got up and made them dinner and then went back to bed. I called my mom and told her that I was sick and asked how mom's take care of kids when they are sick like this and she said that they pretty much do what I was doing, rest as much as possible and try to keep the kids in the house. The second part wasn't hard, because it was so cold, but resting was difficult as the kids were fighting and I had to go in and talk to them about it and then Kali was in my room about every ten minutes wanting a new tv show, or something to eat. Thursday I felt even worse, if that is possible, and the kids were home all day because of parent teacher conference. So again the kids played and watched movies all day while I layed in bed and tried to not die. They did really well and I was so proud of them for getting along so well. About 4 Paul and Mandy showed up to help me out, Mom had sent them because I think she feared for the well being of her grandkids. It was soooo nice to have them there cause I could go in my room, shut the door, and sleep for more that 10 minutes at a time. Mandy made the kids a very healthy meal that did not contain Chicken nuggets or Macaroni as that is about all I had been feeling up to making them while I was sick. That night Paul and Mandy took Morgan and Cade to my brother Steve's churchball game just to get them out of the house which was good for the kids. I kept Kali home so she could go to bed because she had Preschool on Friday. I had been gradually getting more and more nauseous all day so I asked Paul to stop and get me some Pepto and some peppermint tea on the way home to see if that would help. And wouldn't you know it I drank some peppermint tea and then puked my guts out. I did feel a little better after that though. My head was pounding pretty bad so I went to bed at about 9:30 and Paul and Mandy put Morgan and Cade to bed. It was nice to not have to do that when I felt so crappy. The next morning I woke up at about 815 so that I could get Kali up and ready to be at preschool at 9. Then I tried to tell myself that I felt good enough to go and take my MAT, Miller Analogies Test, for Grad school as today was the day I had rescheduled it for. I didn't think I was going to be able to make it but fortunately I have two amazing brothers who were willing to give me a blessing. I know without a doubt that the only way I made it through being able go up there and take that test is because of that blessing. After the blessing I got dressed and then took Kali to preschool, I had Mandy drive so that she could pick Kali up after preschool. I was pretty dizzy and shaky as I had not eaten for about 3 days so I had Paul drive me up to my test. I was a little nervous as I don't do well on tests when I am around a bunch of other people, but fortunately I was the only one taking the test that morning. The guy giving the test was giving me the instructions and then he was like can I give you some advice? And of course I was like HECK YES!!!! He told me that a lot of people don't finish this test, it is 120 questions in 60 minutes, so when I come in and tell you that you have 5 minutes left just start filling in bubbles on all the questions you haven't got to yet so that you have at least a chance of getting them right. This freaked me out a little. So I started my test and went through answering only the ones that I knew or was fairly sure that I knew and then I went back through and spent time trying to figure out the other ones. When he came in to tell me I had 5 minutes left, I only had 4 questions left to finish. So either I did really well and I am smart, or I suck really bad and bombed it, but I won't know for 2-3 weeks. So after my test my friend Brock picked me up and gave a lift home and then we all ate lunch that, thankfully, Mandy had made cause at this point I was pretty drained. I didn't dare try to eat yet as I was still not feeling totally well. We then decided to run to the pet store to get some stuff for Paul and Mandy's new puppy Mack that they had brought with them. Funny story: Jared and Becca promised to bring the kids souvenirs from Mexico so Morgan and Cade are in the back seat talking about this and Morgan says "What are souvenirs?" to which Cade replies "They're Mexican." like Morgan was a complete idiot. We all laughed pretty hard about that. When we got back I was completely wasted so I went to my room to try to sleep. Kali came in and wanted to watch horseland so I turned it on and went to sleep. I woke up as Paul and Mandy were getting the kids ready to take them bowling. They had a great time. The rest of the evening wasn't real spectacular, Steve and Kelly came over and hung out with us for a while and then we all went to bed. Saturday I felt much better and was able to get up and get a bunch of stuff done including cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry and getting all of my stuff packed up as Jared and Becca would be home that night. The kids played and watched tv, but Paul minimized X-box time which Cade had loved having unlimited time while I was sick so Cade just wandered around looking all depressed and claiming that there was nothing to do. We fed the kids dinner and then just waited for Jared and Becca to get home as we had decided to go out to dinner. Jared and Becca finally got home and gave the kids all of their souvenirs and I gave a quick update about what had been going on and then Paul, Mandy, and I left. We met up with Steve and Kelly and went to dinner at my favorite place ever Olive Garden. Brock was there and he was our server so that was pretty fun. After we ate we all went to Steve and Kel's and watched a movie. I finally got home at about 1230 and I was totally exhausted so I went to bed. Well that is my week. This is pretty long so I give props to anyone who makes it to the end.
Here are some Pics:
This is the kids playing in the warm sheets that had just been washed.

This is Morgan and Cade playing Wii. They had a great time and were upset everytime I told them they had to take a break and do something else.
This is Morgan and Cade having a sleep-over in Cade's room. They get to stay up late and hang out together on Friday nights. I tucked them in really tight at their request and then they looked like burrito's so I called them my little burrito babies. They thought it was hilarious.
This is Cade at his program, it was on America and symbols of freedom and Patriotism. Cade's class talked about the Eagle.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mom's are Awesome!
So I just wanted to write and tell all you mom's out there how amazing I think you are. I have been babysitting my nieces Morgan and Kali and my nephew Cade this week and IT IS TOUGH. On top of that I am now sick with a really bad sore throat and a migraine, but I still have to take care of the kids. I don't know how you guys do it. You are my hero's!!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
My sister-in-law Raygon, tagged me on her blog. So here goes nothin'!Why is my spell check not working? Sorry for the errors.
10 years ago I was.....a sophmore in High School. I had just gotten my lisence and was driving all over in my sweet red 88 Buick Park Ave. I was also working after school for my parents doing secretary work. Not very exciting.
5 things on my to-do list:1. Study for my MAT test. 2. Write my Personal Statement for application for Grad School. 3. REST!!!! 4. Entertain Morgan, Cade, and Kali with something other than the Wii. 5. Go to the store and buy Kali some cold Medicine and them hope I don's get a cold too.
Things I would do with a billion dollars: Well first off I would pay off all of my debts. Then I would build the house of my dreams. And then put enough in savings for me to live on while I did everything I could to help others. Then I would give my family all the money they need, I would also give money to my best friend Kimmy who has always been like a sister to me. Then I would donate the rest of the money to kids hospitals and research funds to help come up with cures for diseases.
Things most people dont know about me: 1. I collect a lot of things, toy fire trucks and ambulances, shotglasses, porcelin dolls, and movies. 2. I have almost 600 DVD's. 3. Like my sister-in-law Raygon I hate to fold laundry and I will leave it in the baskets or in the dryer for days. 4. I am pretty laid back and figure that most things don't matter so when people ask me what I want to do or eat I will say that I don't care cause I really don't not because I am trying to get out of making a decision or because I want others to like me. 5. I really don't mind cooking even though I complain about it all the time. I really hate cooking for just myself and so I usually don't do it.
Those are the things I am putting out there for the TAG. Now I am tagging Lisa and Heather. Have fun!
10 years ago I was.....a sophmore in High School. I had just gotten my lisence and was driving all over in my sweet red 88 Buick Park Ave. I was also working after school for my parents doing secretary work. Not very exciting.
5 things on my to-do list:1. Study for my MAT test. 2. Write my Personal Statement for application for Grad School. 3. REST!!!! 4. Entertain Morgan, Cade, and Kali with something other than the Wii. 5. Go to the store and buy Kali some cold Medicine and them hope I don's get a cold too.
Things I would do with a billion dollars: Well first off I would pay off all of my debts. Then I would build the house of my dreams. And then put enough in savings for me to live on while I did everything I could to help others. Then I would give my family all the money they need, I would also give money to my best friend Kimmy who has always been like a sister to me. Then I would donate the rest of the money to kids hospitals and research funds to help come up with cures for diseases.
Things most people dont know about me: 1. I collect a lot of things, toy fire trucks and ambulances, shotglasses, porcelin dolls, and movies. 2. I have almost 600 DVD's. 3. Like my sister-in-law Raygon I hate to fold laundry and I will leave it in the baskets or in the dryer for days. 4. I am pretty laid back and figure that most things don't matter so when people ask me what I want to do or eat I will say that I don't care cause I really don't not because I am trying to get out of making a decision or because I want others to like me. 5. I really don't mind cooking even though I complain about it all the time. I really hate cooking for just myself and so I usually don't do it.
Those are the things I am putting out there for the TAG. Now I am tagging Lisa and Heather. Have fun!
Friday, February 15, 2008
I Wussed Out
So I was supposed to go and take my MAT test for Grad school this morning and I totally wussed out. Is that even a word? Oh well I am still a big ole wuss. I didn't think that I was ready and figured I would bomb it so I rescheduled it for this coming Friday to give me more time to study. Of course all of this heavy duty studying is going to happen while I am babysitting 3 kids for a week. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Doing Better
So Steve called me this afternoon to talk and as we were talking he mentioned that when he was looking at the pics on my blog it looked like I was getting skinnier. Now I see myself everyday so I really hadn't noticed that much of a difference, so I went in search of some pictures to see if what he said was true. Now anyone who knows me well knows that I hate to be in pictures and about the only ones that you will find of me also have a niece or a nephew in them but here is a comparison. I think I do actually look a little skinnier, but you decide for yourself.
This is me January of '08
This is me in April of '07

Monday, February 11, 2008
So yesterday was the dedication of the Rexburg Temple. I watched Andy and Raygon's boys in the morning while the went to their session. I had a blast, and I think Kaleb did too. Holden probably did, but he hid it well by sleeping most of the time. Kaleb and I played with his little people city most of the time, but we did find time to run around as I pulled him in his little wagon. It was really fun. My session was at 4:30 and I got to be in the Temple which was really fun. I went up at 3:00 with my friends Kimber and Troy and their son Daylen because Troy, who is a city cop, was working security and had to be there early. So we got up there and went to where Troy was stationed which was on the main level just outside the locker rooms. So we were sitting there chillin and then about 4:00 Troy comes over to tell Kimber and I that a lady passed out in the stairwell up by the fourth floor and they needed a medical crew. So Kimber, who is a Paramedic, and I hurried up there to see what the problem was. The lady was okay, apparently this happens to her every once and a while, but we talked to her and worked with her for about 15 minutes. We called the ambulance that was on stand-by to come up so that we could give her some oxygen and it took them some time to get up there as the usher's would not let them in because they did not have tickets. One of the security guys finally had to just tell them to let them in after they showed their recommends. So we got the lady feeling better and went back to our seats. We were sitting there talking about how funny it was that we got a call when Elder Nelson, Elder Bednar, and the Temple Presidency walked past us on their way up to the Celestial room. Our session was really good, Elder Nelson called on several people to come up and give impromptu talks and it went for like an hour and a half which is longer then any of the other ones went. When the session was over we had to wait for Troy who had to wait for all of the people to leave and as we were standing there waiting Elder Nelson, Elder Bednar, and the Temple Presidency came back through. Elder Nelson stopped and talked to us for a minute and shook hands with Kimber's son Daylen. It was a neat experience. That is the closest I have ever been to an Apostle. After everyone finally cleared out we were able to leave, but we ended up being up there for a total of about 3 hours which was very tiring.
Friday, February 8, 2008
So I have been trying to figure out why I am sooooooo tired and I have come up with two answers. One is that today after a week of not feeling well, having a bit of a hard time breathing, and some pain in my lungs I finally went to the doctor, turns out that I have laryngotracheobronchitis or in other words Adult Croup. Fun Huh? Nothing like having constant pain in your lungs and then when you cough it feels like someone is ripping them out. I now feel totally bad for any kid who gets croup, although they say that adult croup is much worse. So I figured that cannot be the only thing making me tired and then I realized that besides my regular work schedule of about 60 hours I have worked a 6-12 hour shift at the fire department everyday for almost a week. From last Saturday to today the only day that I didn't put in at least 6 hours was Sunday. Now for my family who is reading this, especially my mom, I know that it is my own dang fault for working so much, but that doesn't change the fact that I am tired. So it is off to bed I go, since I am on call tonight and may end up having to go on calls in the middle of the night. :)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Busy Busy
Just thought that I would drop a quick note about what has been going on lately. Things have been very busy at the fire dept. Monday night I responded to a three vehicle accident that required 3 ambulances. We transported 10 people to the hospital, 6 of those were kids under the age of 5. I got on scene just behind the second ambulance and was immediately assigned to an ambulance and put in charge of 3 screaming children while the guys on the fire trucks extricated their mom from her car. I had a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a 5 week old. the four year old came in attached to a 17 year old who had witnessed the wreck and got out to help so that was good. He was able to finally calm the 4 year old down and distract him while I did my assessment. The 5 week old was screaming when she came into the ambulance but with a little rocking settled down and went to sleep. The 2 year old was another matter. She screamed most of the time. I finally got her to calm down after about 20 minutes and then her dad shows up and comes into the ambulance so she immediately starts screaming again but stops as soon as dad holds her. Then he decides that he needs to be out with his wife so he hands the 2 year old back to me which of course starts the screaming again. It took a while to get her to calm down again and once I did, Dad came back in and was in the ambulance for about 2 minutes and then he left again, so of course we start the process all over again. He did this like 3 times. I was about ready to hurt him. Anyway all the kids in the accidents were fine a few bumps and bruises but all were fine. Thank Goodness for CAR SEATS! Anyway, the mom was pretty bad off, but we took them all to the hospital and they are taking good care of her.
While we were on that call they dispatched another ambulance to an accident on Highway 20 which ended up being fatal. I was kinda glad I didn't go on that one, those ones are the hardest.
We finally cleared from our accidents and then got dispatched to a girl who got hurt sledding up on campus. That call had barely gotten over when we were dispatched to another call accident, this time a roll-over, on highway 20. That one got done and then we had to take the mother from our first car accident down to EIRMC so she could got specialized care for her injuries. So by the time we were done with calls it was 1:30 am and I was really tired.
Then on Tuesday I worked all day at my PSR job and then went to the station to use the excercise room to work out for an hour. When I finished I went in the station to write my reports on the three kids from the car accident when we got toned out to a car accident. Since I was there I ran out and got my turn outs and responded in the Fire Truck! I was excited cause I don't get to go out on the trucks much. So we get on scene and they assigned me to get in the car and work on the patient that was still trapped in the car. So much for being on the fire truck I still end up doing ambulance stuff. This car had missed a corner and had buried the front end into a snow drift about 3 feet and we couldn't get the driver out. So the other guys on the truck with me had the idea to hook the car up to the winch on the front of the truck and just pull the car out. So we did, and the lady screamed bloody murder everytime the car moved even a little bit, which was great as I was sitting right next to her. I will give it to her, that she did say she was in a lot of pain and the car was being jerked. Anyway so they start pulling it out and can only pull it little ways and then it won't move anymore. They get to looking around and realize that she had hit a tree and the car was stuck on the stump. So we had to dig out three feet of snow around the back of the car to the drivers side so we could open the door and get her out. After we were done I was driving the chase, our pickup truck that follows the ambulances to calls, back to the station and the second out ambulance gets toned out. Well I knew that we had the firefighter that was supposed to go on that call still out in the fire truck so I asked if they had enough people or if they needed me to respond with them. They requested that I respond with them so they picked me up by Porter Park and off we went. So here I am on this call with my Turn-Outs on. Turn outs are the really nice gear that we wear in fires so that we don't burn to death and they are great......on fires. They kinda are big and bulky and very annoying on ambulance calls. So here I was looking all sweet in my turn out bottoms and just a t-shirt, cause I can't move very well in my jacket, and I go on this other call. I wasn't even covering a shift and I ended up working for 3 hours. I got home at about 1130 and had to take a shower cause I was all sweating from working out and going on calls so I got to bed kinda late and then had to get up early for a meeting this morning. And then after work today I had to go to training at the fire station and I got home at about 103o again. I am also on call tonight so we'll see how much sleep I get tonight. Well this is longer that I had planned and it is late so I am going to bed.
While we were on that call they dispatched another ambulance to an accident on Highway 20 which ended up being fatal. I was kinda glad I didn't go on that one, those ones are the hardest.
We finally cleared from our accidents and then got dispatched to a girl who got hurt sledding up on campus. That call had barely gotten over when we were dispatched to another call accident, this time a roll-over, on highway 20. That one got done and then we had to take the mother from our first car accident down to EIRMC so she could got specialized care for her injuries. So by the time we were done with calls it was 1:30 am and I was really tired.
Then on Tuesday I worked all day at my PSR job and then went to the station to use the excercise room to work out for an hour. When I finished I went in the station to write my reports on the three kids from the car accident when we got toned out to a car accident. Since I was there I ran out and got my turn outs and responded in the Fire Truck! I was excited cause I don't get to go out on the trucks much. So we get on scene and they assigned me to get in the car and work on the patient that was still trapped in the car. So much for being on the fire truck I still end up doing ambulance stuff. This car had missed a corner and had buried the front end into a snow drift about 3 feet and we couldn't get the driver out. So the other guys on the truck with me had the idea to hook the car up to the winch on the front of the truck and just pull the car out. So we did, and the lady screamed bloody murder everytime the car moved even a little bit, which was great as I was sitting right next to her. I will give it to her, that she did say she was in a lot of pain and the car was being jerked. Anyway so they start pulling it out and can only pull it little ways and then it won't move anymore. They get to looking around and realize that she had hit a tree and the car was stuck on the stump. So we had to dig out three feet of snow around the back of the car to the drivers side so we could open the door and get her out. After we were done I was driving the chase, our pickup truck that follows the ambulances to calls, back to the station and the second out ambulance gets toned out. Well I knew that we had the firefighter that was supposed to go on that call still out in the fire truck so I asked if they had enough people or if they needed me to respond with them. They requested that I respond with them so they picked me up by Porter Park and off we went. So here I am on this call with my Turn-Outs on. Turn outs are the really nice gear that we wear in fires so that we don't burn to death and they are great......on fires. They kinda are big and bulky and very annoying on ambulance calls. So here I was looking all sweet in my turn out bottoms and just a t-shirt, cause I can't move very well in my jacket, and I go on this other call. I wasn't even covering a shift and I ended up working for 3 hours. I got home at about 1130 and had to take a shower cause I was all sweating from working out and going on calls so I got to bed kinda late and then had to get up early for a meeting this morning. And then after work today I had to go to training at the fire station and I got home at about 103o again. I am also on call tonight so we'll see how much sleep I get tonight. Well this is longer that I had planned and it is late so I am going to bed.
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